Case in point, TypeScript’s Object destructuring and the ES6 spread operator have greatly facilitated working with arrays.

It's just pretty clever about how to mimick concurrency.Developing Angular applications for the past several years has opened my eyes to a whole slew of new and innovative ways of performing complex operations on JavaScript Objects with less code and increased type safety. Any blocking calls will block the entire execution flow. JavaScript is completely single threaded, no matter the environment.

The number of cores are also irrelevant here. If you are actually doing this you may want to consider using one of the many concurrent promise libraries that let you limit the amount of concurrent ones. If you run a thousand requests concurrently, some of them may be starting to time out before the browser has even started your request, leading to very flaky code that may sometimes fail and sometimes work, based on the speed of your endpoints. One final note on your fetch example - timeouts. But the execution of your code is absolutely something you need to deal with and be aware of. There is something to be said about not worrying about things like garbage collection or instantiating a large number of objects, things like that, until they become a problem. This has nothing to do with performance, but about understanding your code's flow and the synchronous model in general. That is also one niche use-case, almost all other api's will not have these concurrency limits in mind. Browsers happen to limit the number of concurrent xhr requests, yes, but that doesn't make them smart or remove your responsibility to consider concurrency. With all due respect, that's a horrible mindset. or recruitment posts, we have a sticky for that, still, it's for redditors only, not professional recruiters. "It's perfectly fine to be a redditor with a website, it's not okay to be a website with a reddit account." - Confucius Exceptions can be made for software that will be exceptionally useful for typescript development and pipelines, but this is at the moderation teams discretion. Also no general spam of other products or software, even if it's free. No general advertising, promoting services or closed source projects We get it, you people build awesome things, but this isn't r/sideproject, if you're posting a project it needs to be open source, you need to link to the repo and most importantly given that this is r/typescript it should be in typescript.This is r/typescript, lets keep it on topic