If we’re taking about how the wow-factor and art style, it was definitely lacking. If the intent was to make it faithful to the original (which I’ve only learned about through the comments), then it did it’s job. If I wasn’t aware of this show and you told me this was from the 90s or early to mid 2000s, I would believe you. A mediocre start and an absent-minded one at that.ĮDIT: thanks for the character clarification. I can't help but feel that this anime should've been released in the mid-2000s instead and be left forgotten. To all you 3 people in the know, the original series' character of Kakegawa soccer team's vice-captain Atsushi Kamiya is back, but as a coach in the school's new generation of soccer.

People finding trouble with Hideto, as such with one Jo Kazama ridiculing at him with the school Kakegawa High's once-prestigious position as champions, and orders a PK-match against him, scoring goals. And the over-the-top drama starts from Hideto Tsuji, the boy whom was once a stellar player that now, doesn't want anything to do with soccer due to his haunting past, and relegating to being a NEET for a useless character. Yet another soccer series, but too bad it's in competition with Ao Ashi, and you can easily guess which is the better one. You'll probably waste your time watching the now-dated TV series. While it has some characters from the original series making cameos, it's purely its own thing that has the same setting, but with new characters. This is an original series that's based on Tsukasa Ooshima's 90s Shoot! manga that has Toei Animation's 1993-1994 series.